Celebrating Rosh Hashana before RE'02
Celebrating Rosh Hashana

Rosh Hashana this year is Saturday and Sunday 7 and 8 September, with Erev Rosh Hashana being Friday evening 6 September. RE'02 week begins Monday 9 September right after the close of Rosh Hashana. However, only workshops begin on Monday, the conference proper begins on Wednesday 11 September, leaving two days to travel after the close of Rosh Hashana to get to the Essen in time for the conference.

Alte Synagoge 
© Peter Wieler

However, there may be some celebrating Rosh Hashana and not able to travel until after it is over, who may wish to attend one or more workshops, starting Monday or Tuesday. For these people, one option is to arrive in Germany before Erev Rosh Hashana on Friday, and to celebrate the holiday in a synagogue in Germany.

Perhaps surprisingly, there are many Jews and many Jewish communities in Germany. A large fraction of these Jews are immigrants to Germany from Russia. (Hence, the prayer books tend to be Russian-Hebrew and you may wish to bring your own Machzor if you understand neither Russian nore Hebrew well enough; I am bringing an English-Hebrew machzor)

I have investigated with the help of the Web, possible places to worship. I ended up asking Zentralrat Jueden in Deutschland for addresses, phone, and fax numbers of synagogues on the way from Frankfurt to Essen and I asked each of these synagogues if they would be having services for Rosh Hashana and whether they can accommodate a small number of guest from among us.

For the benefit of all those who might want this information, I have compiled what I learned here.

There are synagogues in Essen, Duesseldorf, Koeln, Bonn, Frankfurt, and Wiesbaden in order of increasing distance to Essen.

I list the information I know below. For your own safety, please double check with the synagogue you choose by calling its phone number or using its fax.

Juedische Kultusgemeinde Essen
Sedanstrasse 46
45138 Essen/Ruhr
Services Erev RH 19:00
Saturday morning 9:15
Sunday morning 9:15
No apparent fee or restrictions on attendance

From: foerster@touristikzentrale.essen.de

The nearest hotel to Sedanstrasse is Hotel Sheraton, Huyssenallee 55,
45127 Essen. Walking distance 10 minutes.
Sheraton is 5 star hotel.
Tel +49-201-10070
Fax +49-201-100777

Hotels by the main station are also o.k. 2 km :
Hotel Moevenpick 4 star hotel, am Hauptbahnhof 2
Tel +49-201-17080
Fax +49-201-1708173
Hotel Essener Hof 4 star hotel, Teichstrasse 2
Tel +49-201-20901
Fax +49-201-238351
Ibis Hotel, Hollestrasse 50
Tel +49-201-24280
Fax +49-201-2428600

regards Monika Foerster


Juedische Gemeinde Duesseldorf
Zietenstrasse 50
40476 Duesseldorf
Tel: +49-211-469120
Fax: +49-211-485156

Services Erev RH 19:00
Saturday morning 8:30-13:00
Sunday morning 8:30-13:00
Tickets E30.00, please contact Mrs. Naujokat at +49-211-46912-25 ASAP to

Nearest Hotels:
Hotel Diplomat
Tel: +49-211-515818-0
Fax: +49-211-515818-11
Hotel Gildors
Tel: +49-211-515850-0


Synagogengemeinde Koeln
Roonstrasse 50
50674 Koeln
Tel: +49-221-92 1560 0
Fax: +49-221-921560 9

No ticket is necessary, guests welcome
But donations are happily accepted in the form of tickets ranging from

Nearest Hotels:
Hotel Rheingold
Fax: +49-221-242 575
Hotel Ibis
Fax: +49-221-2096 199


Synagogengemeinde Bonn
Tempelstrasse 2-4
53113 Bonn
Tel: +49-228-213560
Fax: +49-228-261836

The schedule is not completely fixed yet. They assume to have
services at:
Services Erev RH 19:30
Saturday morning 9:30
Sunday morning 9:30
The schedule will be fixed next week. So please call to make sure.

They have no tickets for the seats.
Attendance is free. They are happy about donations...

The city center of Bonn is only 1.5km away.


Juedische Gemeinde Frankfurt
Westendstrasse 43
60325 Frankfurt/Main
Tel:+49-69-76 803 60
Fax:+49-69-76 8036 66


Juedische Gemeinde Wiesbaden,
Friedrichstrasse 33
65185 Wiesbaden
Tel: +49-611- 933303 0
Fax: +49-611- 933303 9